What would you do if I told you that you could take up any career you want and guarantee that you’d be successful? Income, home life, soul – you get it all! GUARANTEED to NOT FAIL. Anything you want. What would you do?
Can you answer this question? I’m struggling.
Last night I let a friend or two in on a not-so-hidden secret: I’m underwhelmed by my profession. I’m underwhelmed by healthcare. I’m underwhelmed by expectations and hopes. I’m underwhelmed by people. Not all people, but enough people that suck the flipping life out of me that I don’t want to leave my office some days. I’m underwhelmed by the entitlement of some people (for the record, it’s not just millennials). I’m underwhelmed by my return on investment. Don’t worry, Mom and Dad – -it’s probably a phase, I have no intentions of quitting to become a groupie like I threaten…at least until my student loans are paid off.
So here I sit, listening to the podcast of a guy who has made his career helping other people find their passions and fulfilling careers. As far as I can tell (one episode in), people call in and he asks them questions – mostly about what they want out of life or their jobs. They proceed to mumble their answers reluctantly. Then he repeats what they’ve said, only louder and with enthusiasm. This man is essentially a mirror with a megaphone and some pom-poms.
Ok, it’s a little more than that. He asks the right questions and he listens (there’s a novel idea). Then (here’s the kicker, folks) he makes people believe it’s possible. He casts away their doubts, borderline makes them feel foolish for ever doubting themselves. I wonder what it’s like to live with this man. I wonder what he puts in his coffee. It’s gotta be more than coconut oil.
I’m half-tempted to scream “I want to write!” into my toothpaste-splattered mirror (seriously, how many times a week do you other moms have to clean your mirrors?!?) and then shame myself for not blogging for a year. Sadly, I don’t think it will have the same effect.
Kuddos to this man. It seems quite simple, really: he asks, listens, reaffirms, and encourages. None of these things require 3 degrees, special equipment, or a license. Kuddos to this man for helping others find their passions, let alone encouraging them to convert what makes them tick into what pays their bills. It’s got to be an intoxicating environment of people who have the courage to finally sling-shot caution and fear of failure out the window.
Maybe I want his job. I love when you can tell how much a person cares about something by the way their eyes light up to let their soul shine out when they talk. I love when people look at you surprisingly when they realize you’re actually listening to them. I flipping love seeing people succeed at something they were once scared of doing. I’m also very good at raising my voice – ask my neighbors. Does anyone know if college degrees are returnable/refundable?
So, my friends, what is it? What would fill your cup EVERY. SINGLE. DAY? The answer isn’t your Keurig. What will fill your soul cup – the one that keeps you ticking, excited about life, and excited for another day? He’s right: its so important!
It’s bad math to spend five days a week waiting for two.