Gimme More!

Who here wants more? Yep, raise your hand! You know you do! Super-size it! If two is good, three must be better. Let’s get more auto ships, more deals, more options, more things…preferably in bulk, and on sale with free shipping. Gimme more.

Lately I’m a bit jaded by the “more mentality”. Will I seriously use the extra 1000 square feet, or will it just be more space to clean? Will a brand new vehicle get me anywhere faster or safer, or just eat up my paycheck? Will that new pair of jeans make my my ass look like Jennifer Aniston’s, or am I just excited to save 24% and get rewards points? Fact is, the more I worry about having more the less excited I get. And it’s not just less excited: I get stressed. Worried. Disappointed in myself. Then confused on why all of this stuff really matters. Then mad that I’m selfish enough to want more. (I know it’s crazy where my mind goes…if I had a map, I’d get you one.)

Don’t get me wrong: I just spent two hours of a road trip looking through the Prime Day sales filling up a cart full of “great deals” and “must haves”. But in the end, must I cook with an Instant pot? Unless it sends me reminders to get milk and chops the damn onions small enough so the kids can’t detect them, I don’t predict it will be life-changing for me. And there’s a 99% chance that the cute romper that’s on sale will give me the same diaper-wedgie-butt that every other flipping romper I’ve tried on does. (*Delete item….hmmm maybe just Save for Later…it might be the one romper that works. F-it. That model is 14…and has zero cellulite. Delete. Delete. For the love of Pete. Delete!)

What the hell sucks us in to wanting more? Is it the thrill of the hunt? The “savings” of a sale? Filling up an emotional pit? Are we just mimicking the behavior we see in those around us, or maybe trying to keep up? Are we desperate for connection and falsely connecting with THINGS instead of beings?

I propose we Kon Mari the shit out of our lives. Literally. Because if it can be thrown in a dumpster, it’s not the good stuff. And if we have some sort of drive to constantly search for more then let’s make it the good stuff. Gimme more of the things that don’t require folding, dusting, or moving. (Double win!) Let’s explore. Let’s laugh and joke. Let’s challenge ourselves. Let’s drink coffee on a deck. Let’s make slip and slides out of tarps and garbage bags… and Dawn dish soap. (Cause we’re all about living on the edge, baby!). Let’s be the crazy mom laughing and running through the park with our littles – in the same shorts we’ve worn since college that may or may not have little splats of paint of them from the 9 million hours of fence painting a few summers back. Let’s just live our life collecting the things that fill up our souls instead of our homes (and storage units)!

And let’s not just do it…let’s own it. Let’s look in the closet and grab what makes us feel good and comfortable and let’s walk out that damn door. Doesn’t matter if it was cheap. Doesn’t matter if we’ve worn it 187 times before. And then when we get wherever we’re going, let’s not lust over someone else’s boots or purse or extravagant China. Let’s feel good. Let’s not feel inferior. Lets own who we are with more confidence than what we’re covered in. (Read that again.)

Whose with me?! Get your pitchforks and Goodwill garbage bags, people!

Ok, I’m kidding.

But I do challenge y’all (myself included) to think about what “things” make you the happiest. Because I’d bet a Palm Breeze and a unicorn romper that the majority of your list can’t be bought. Gimme more of that list.

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