Dear Mom of a “Strong-Willed” little,
-You’re tired, aren’t you? Of the arguing and the drama and the witty comebacks that come from that smart little brain.
-You’re worried aren’t you? That this isn’t just a “phase” like everyone keeps saying. That one day your child will be grown into a loner because people can’t handle that argumentative, big personality.
-You’re frustrated, aren’t you? That the wrong shirt sends the morning into a tale-spin of blurts, grunts, and curses because nothing other than exactly what is wanted is acceptable.
-You’re annoyed, aren’t you? Of the notes home from the teacher…because your daughter pushed someone who was teasing her down. (Insert invisible pride here.)
-You’re confused, aren’t you? That the exact same thing you scold your child for in kindergarten is what you’ll be congratulating them for as an adult.
-You’re strong, aren’t you? You’re navigating your babe on a rollercoaster with a shitty compass…endlessly trying to dull the fire, yet never (ever) allowing it to go out.
-You’re proud, aren’t you? That this little is full of “piss & vinegar”…that your little will never be pushed around…and that amount of gumption is bound for big things.
I hereby grant you permission to feel all of those things, especially proud.
Mama to a turd too
It’s sounds like that little one is loved and has a mind of her own. She may need a little guidance but I think she will be just fine ❤️