Let’s talk about happiness. Are you happy? Do you have a list of at least five specific things that make your soul crave more…the stuff where if you could pull your personal camera of life out and watch yourself you would be sporting a glowing smile without putting forth any effort.
Here’s what I have:
-Races: A group of people coming together who have (most often) put in some form of training and effort to perform, meet a goal, or even just to be healthy. Finish lines move me to tears. And races are usually in memory of someone or for a great cause so the entire environment has such a beautiful sense of community.
-Farmers Markets: the colors, the crisp morning air, the healthy produce that someone sweated and toiled over from seedling to final sell-able product. And have you ever noticed the people who sell the stuff—a lot of times it’s a family with kids helping. The whole ambiance topped off with a warm coffee in my hand–pure, organic bliss.
-Music: specifically good live music performed by people passionate about their talent. I love hearing the emotion in their voice and seeing the spirit in their face. A little live harmonica about makes my heart beat out of my chest. (Insert uncontrollable smile and happy dance here.)
-Traveling: I love new places, new cultures, new music, not-to-mention new food. I love exploring. Booking flights and getting passport stamps are like my safer (and probably equally expensive) version of “taking a hit”. I live for that shit.
-Last but not least…and probably the most obvious: I love my babies…on their good moments. Like when my youngest giggles as I tickle him or repeats funny things like “Dammit” or “Oh Goodness”. Or when my daughter sings along to the radio while helping me measure flour. Or when she sweetly recalls my beloved Gram and says things like “I know you miss her, Mama. But she’s in our hearts.” Yeah- you get the drift. I could go on all night.
You know the rule: I showed you mine- time to show me your’s!!! What is your happy?
The world is BUSY. If you watch enough news it is also negative, scary, and full of pain. Here’s what I am learning: happiness is an active choice. And it is SO much easier to achieve if you can list the things that give you that glorious, euphoric feeling. Even more importantly – you HAVE to do those very things that make you happy!
Make it happen! Go on the run. Buy front row seats. Book that damn flight! Or take the day off of work to spend 100% engulfed in the giggles and wit of your babies.
MAKE YOUR HAPPY HAPPEN! Double dog dare you.